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At DCCC there are several options for students to receive their textbooks. We have a Textbook Rental Program, Textbook Scholarships, Delayed Payment for Textbooks, and Purchasing Textbooks.

  • Textbook Rental Program- Most textbooks can be rented for approximately half of the full purchase price. Students will use the books for the semester and return them at the end of the semester. New and used books will be available and the rental cost can be applied to a student's Pell or Loan upon approval.
  • Textbook Scholarships- Students with a Scholarship or Grant in Aid will receive free loan of books, with an obligation to return them at the end of the semester.
  • Delayed Payment for Textbooks- Students that have a Pell Grant/Student Loan will be able to purchase their books as long as there is enough assistance provided from the grant/loan. Text books do NOT have to be returned, unless they are rented.
  • Purchasing Textbooks-Students can purchase textbooks. The Bookstore accepts cash, checks, money orders and VISA, MasterCard, and Discover Cards.
  • Textbook Buy Back- During finals week of each semester, the Bookstore will buy back qualifying books at half the new price.

How to get your books

Verify Financial Aid Status- If you qualify, check with the Financial Aid office to ensure that you've completed all the necessary forms for Financial Aid, including FASFA. If you are on a BOOK SCHOLARSHIP, or DELAYING books on financial aid, you will need to complete a delayed payment form (delayed payment forms are available at the Records Office in Student Services).
Get Your Books- Take your class schedule, student ID, and completed delayed payment form to the Bookstore to get your books. Class schedules are available at the Records Office in Student Services.


Visit the Bookstore for spirit clothing including hoodies, t-shirts, sweatpants, jackets and sport specific apparel. We also carry lanyards, ID holders, license plates, drink ware, blankets, and more! Visit our online store HERE !

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